New Account Request

Account Information

Please provide the following information regarding your business below.

Contact Information

Please provide the following information for the contact at your business to be granted access to Travel Manitoba’s Extranet Portal.

For extranet access and to submit this form you must choose Yes.

Please subscribe me to Travel Manitoba's industry newsletter
Listing Information

Please identify the category and subcategory your business is most closely aligned with.
Please note the category and subcategory chosen below will effect where your listing appears on

Please keep description under 1,725 characters.
Travel Manitoba Service Standards

Updated May, 2019

Ensuring exceptional visitor experiences is the number one priority in the tourism industry. Travel Manitoba strongly recommends that all tourism businesses promoted in Travel Manitoba marketing material meet a minimum standard of professionalism and services. These include:

  • Being a registered business within Manitoba
  • Current and sufficient liability insurance
  • Necessary licences and permits to operate
  • Promotions or advertisements that represent the actual experience or service offered to the consumer
  • Be in good standing with Travel Manitoba's complaint process
  • Having a stand alone website

If Travel Manitoba receives a legitimate serious complaint from a consumer about a tourism business, Travel Manitoba reserves the right to remove that business from its marketing programs. The business may be included in future marketing efforts when the outstanding issues have been resolved.

To submit this form you must answer Yes.
Red fields are required.