Training & Workforce Development
Invest in your education and professional development to help grow your career in tourism! Browse open job opportunities, post-secondary programs and training courses, workshops and webinars.
Tools and Resources
Whether you're building a new business in the travel and tourism industry or trying to find new ways to improve your organization or destination, Travel Manitoba is dedicated to helping industry members find great resources to keep the industry moving forward.
These free resources and tools, learning articles, videos, guides and toolkits are available online, anytime you are.
While care has been taken to compile these resources, the information included comes from sources external to Travel Manitoba. Travel Manitoba’s Resource Hub is provided as a public service, and individuals should confirm any information with the primary source prior to making decisions. Travel Manitoba, its directors and employees:
Partner Extranet
Travel Manitoba's Partner Extranet offers you, our valued industry partner, the ability to view, update and maintain your organization's profile…
Resource Hub
Whether you're building a new business in the travel and tourism industry or trying to find new ways to improve…